Bronze's Expedition Log

Expedition Log

One Month Left

I now have a mere 30 days until I take leave of my vocation and head up to Oregon to complete the final stages of provisioning.  At present I am feeling quite comfortable with the level of preparation to date, there being but few necessities left to acquire or craft.  Indeed, my typically lengthy to-do list has dwindled to a few small tasks per day, and is easily completed.

The looming end of the provisioning and outfitting of the expedition has given me much cause of late to reflect on the year past.  I take great satisfaction at picturing myself in March 2008:  contemplating the feasibility of such an expedition, making extensive notes on what I would need to learn, purchase, create, etc…  What seemed then a distant and lofty aspiration is now very immediate and real.

The events of my life have more meaning for me when viewed in context.  The sense of accomplishment felt at completing a lengthy and difficult task is deepened when viewed as the fulfillment of a commitment to oneself.  I can take twice as much pleasure out of it by picturing Bronze of March 2008 peering into the future with satisfaction at a fine progress made.  Likewise, I frequently turn my gaze forward to the future, imagining myself halfway down the trail, writing in my journal by campfire, reaching for the distant memories of toil and study in preparation at home.

I took a riding lesson today from a local trainer named Dennis.  He was complimentary of Bootsie’s responsiveness and generally confirmed her as a well-trained and finished mule.  I know nothing about riding, so I am pleased to have successfully started and stopped her, turned in small circles both directions, and done laps at a jog.  At one point while jogging she began bucking, giving a good 2 or 3 kicks, and I was able to stay on and command her to stop.  I would consider that a great success as well.

The day prior I saddled her and walked the mile and a half to the park and back, using the sensitive and focused lead rope techniques taught to me by Dee on Thursday.  Boots was right there at my rear the whole way, scarcely more noticeable than a helium balloon.

Between the instructions I received of late–from Dee, Ray Drasher, and Dennis–my confidence in the successful handling my mule though rough and foreign terrain is at an all time high.  It is a welcome change of countenance from so many weeks of uncertainty.

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