My stay in Oregon has been productive and most pleasant, allowing sufficient time to complete my remaining tasks, develop a solid resupply strategy, and enjoy the hospitality and warmth of family and friends. Tomorrow at dawn I will depart for the PCT trailhead just east of Hoodoo Mountain along Highway 20. Heading south, I will begin at a conservative pace, aiming for merely 2 or 3 miles to start. A successful day and night on the trail will be considered a great victory, on which I can build to 2 nights, then a week. Should I prosecute a successful 2 weeks of travel, without major mishap or calamity, I will have done much to bring the ultimate goal of reaching Big Bear Lake out of the realm of mind and paper and into a feasible reality.
From this point forward expedition updates will no longer be posted in the Sutler’s Journal. Photos, videos, and journal pages, will be posted in the Expedition Log at roughly two week intervals. Please check back at that time–I hope to relate tales of triumph and success over these first two uncertain weeks on the trail! Thank you for your interest, your support, and your well-wishes. See you in November!